Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Currently the Occupy Movement is calling for a WORLD REVOLUTION...

I've mentioned all throughout my blog on how this movement causes conflict within me.
This article talks about how the Occupy movement is causing harm to America.

A survey was done that revealed over 13 MILLION taxpayer dollars have been spent on cleaning up after these protestors.

The article revealed more problems caused by the "peaceful" protestors.


When cleaning up the mess that was left by the protesters in ZuccottiPark, workers found various weapons including knives left behind in flower beds.

               According to a survey by the Associated Press, approximately $13 million has been spent by city taxpayers in response to the movement, including the cost of cleanup, with the majority of the money spent on law enforcement overtime. 

            Occupiers believe that much of this money could have been saved if they were allowed to protest freely, but the cities argue that law enforcement is needed to ensure that the protests remain peaceful.

Occupy Homeless

This is an excerpt from the Huffington Post. It provides a breakdown of events going on with the Occupy Movement. This article discusses how much money has been wasted on handling the movement as Atlanta seeks to tear down one of the largest homeless shelters. Apparently 500,000 has been spent on trying to maintain control against protestors.

From: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/27/occupy-wall-street-and-homeless-evictions-cities_n_1111094.html

After Atlanta's Mayor Kasim Reed forcibly evacuated Occupy Atlanta from a public park, protesters moved into a homeless shelter. As it turned out, the shelter had been tied up in court battles with the city for a few years, and the city had planned to close it. The shelter was scheduled to be shut down a few days after the protesters moved in, but that date has since been postponed indefinitely and protesters have taken up the shelter's cause.
Local stakeholders -- including city officials, the local business development group Central Atlanta Progress, Emory University and other business interests -- have been trying to boot the Task Force homeless shelter from its home as it sits on a valuable piece of real estate.

The fight between the shelter and its opponents goes back at least to 2008. In a recent court case, the task force that runs the shelter contended that Emory University had been trying to rid their area of the shelter for years. Emails released in court show that officials from Emory approached major private donors to the task force to make their case against the shelter, and that they talked with investors about foreclosing on it. And in recent weeks, the shelter has fought the city to prevent local authorities from turning off their water.
Some point out that the media has been paying more attention to the shelter's troubles since the protesters' arrival. Earlier this month, the county told a local TV station that tuberculosis had broken out at the shelter. Protesters told HuffPost that they thought these claims were bogus.
One protester, Tim Franzen, said he'd been living in the shelter for weeks and had yet to see signs of anyone getting sick. He described the claim as an attempt to smear the Occupation and the shelter.
So did Shab Bashiri, another protester. "The city wants to shut it down with absolutely no alternative," she said. According to Bashiri, the protesters had not only been "occupying" the shelter but had also been sleeping outdoors in areas where homeless people stay.
The shelter is the largest in the southeast, housing more than 1,000 people on some nights. "The city doesn't have the infrastructure to deal with 1,000 people," Franzen said. "So where would they go? We don't know."
Atlanta has been flagged as one of the worst cities nationally in which to be homeless and has thewidest income gap between rich and poor.
Many protesters argue that the city should fund the shelter with the money they've spent on dealing with the protest. The mayor's office reports they spent nearly $500,000 in just two weeks dealing with Occupy Atlanta, most of it on overtime pay for police. Maurice Lattimore, who helps run the shelter, said $500,000 could fund the shelter easily for two years. He noted that the city hasn't put any money into the shelter's coffers since the court battle began three years ago.
The Atlanta mayor's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Occupy is spreading

The Occupy movement is still
which is interesting. 
I felt that it would die rather quickly. 

Here's an article about the Occupy Movement spreading to Gwinnett. 


Saturday, November 26, 2011

By the Way...

In conjunction with the occupy protestors encouraging citizens to shop at local businesses after Thanksgiving, Obama took his two daughters to a local bookstore to support local businesses as well.

It makes me wonder if perhaps their voices are being heard after all?


Occupy Black Friday

I thought this was an interesting picture with an interesting point. I've worked Black Friday for 8 years. And by far its the worst experience I've ever had in retail, each and every year. I worked at Best Buy and endured 2 years of the mayhem. I've been yelled and cussed at like you would not believe. Last year I was yelled at, seriously, because I did not know how much Farmville gold equated to in American Currency. I thought he was joking; he was not.  It sucks feeling like I"m going to get hit over some piece of paper entitling the early shopper for their piece of crap computer. 

This Friday I again worked another Black Friday at a different smaller local retailer. By 8'o clock when our doors opened, I couldn't help but feel like I was entering a Zombie apocalypse. However, the crowds were nowhere near as anarchic as Best Buys. 

I didn't think to compare the masses of people fighting and killing each over greed to those in occupy Atlanta. It made me curious to see what this group was up to on Black Friday. 

From reading some of the articles, they were pretty tame about it. They mostly tried getting people to support local stores rather than big box retailers like Target and Best Buy. 

However, I could not argue against what one Wal-Mart offered for their struggling community in Washington DC a free shopping experience. People could donate things they didn't want so the needy could "go shopping" and get the items for free. I thought that was a really nice twist. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A different position

I work with a man who was laid off by Verizon several years ago. I mentioned how I have been writing about the Occupy movement and I told him that I for one did not particularly agree with it.

He and his son actually considered meeting up with the protestors in Atlanta one weekend, but had heard about how many of them were being arrested and decided against it.

He asked me why I didn't find it necessary to support. I explained that the way it has been handled bothers me; I don't find a group stating they are nonviolent and then demonstrate the opposite. I asked him what he thought as well as the previous reasons I’ve mentioned in prior posts.

He explained how the CEO of Verizon had worked for retired, which was a company he personally got laid off from. His CEO took with his retirement a private jet, tons of stock shares, and condo with a restaurant below at which he could access at his leisure as well as other ridiculous amounts of perks to last him a mega wealthy retirement. My co-worker explained that if the man had given at least 5% back of what he took for his retirement, the thousands of people that worked for Verizon could still have their jobs.

That does shed more light on the situation. It does make me sick.  But then again, is it the government’s job to intervene with big corporations and tell them what is legal/isn’t?

I’ve looked at the We are the 99% site and have looked at everyone’s sufferings. One girl posted that she could not attend college because her parents divorced and spent all of their money on legal expenses.

Yeah, that sucks. I hate that. But FAFSA provides plenty of student aid as well as thousands of scholarships. I myself have been able to get my hands on some of that aid. I went to school and my parents are both dirt poor.

But anyways, I guess that’s all I’ve got for the moment. I guess I’m just realizing, that no matter how bad I want to get rid of my debt, no matter how ideal it would be that the government paid for everything I owed, I wouldn’t want the nation paying tax money for my poor decisions.

I can’t justify it. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Still Occupied..

From what I've read, the occupy movement is supposed to be nonviolent. After reading stories from CNN, I see where some of the protestors are arrested for violent threats. One protestor has threatened to bomb Macy's in New York with a molotov cocktail. He also threatened to burn New York to the ground.

Protestors of the Occupy Movement is calling for an American Revolution. Can they do it nonviolently? What do they want exactly?

www.occupywallst.org/ shows live updates of their attempt at shutting down wall street.  At 10:00 am 50 + protestors are arrested and the wall subway has been closed.

This some serious stuff. I keep seeing in stories "the 1st Amendment" being thrown around. I feel like things are going too far. Maybe I don't know enough about the situation. I am trying to do research, but I feel ultimately that perhaps this Occupy Movement is tearing America apart.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


During the Halloween weekend I was approached by two supporters of occupy Atlanta. They handed me a brochure and told me to get involved, let my voice be heard.

I've heard about the Occupy movement and I'm a little confused. The news seems to be as well. What is the Occupy Movement really about? Is it about student loans? I've also heard people being angry about the unemployment rate. I feel like they need a message that works together.

I have no voice when it comes to that though. Again, I'm sure its because of my ignorance. But honestly, I have a job. And I don't necessarily want hand outs from the government to cover my student loans. That was my decision and my debt is my fault. I've seen where people in the occupy movement are against major corporations yet they post protests using apple iPhones or smart phones. Its ironic.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Amanda Knox


After several years of jail, American Amanda Knox returns home. She was an American student found guilty for murdering her roommate, Meridith Kercher. She appealed the case and the verdict was turned.

It's interesting to see how the media in Italy and America have differently portrayed the girl. Looking into the case, Italy viewed her as evil and was sure she was guilty of the crime. They see suspects as "guilty until proven innocent" versus  the American view that "innocent until proven guilty.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Student Suspended for Saying Homosexuality is Wrong

Its been a long struggle for the gay community to gain acceptance over the past decades. Even for me, I have found that this particular lifestyle is one that I no longer find unusual. I say this simply because I have grown up in a small community that is lacking in tolerance of anything different to what they are used to or taught. This community, I feel I need to add, is full of Methodists and Southern Baptists that do not condone alternate lifestyles such as that of the gays. I find this important to add simply because as I left home and got to live and think for my own, I have found that I do not find anything offensive about this lifestyle. I set this particular blog up this way simply so that it is understood that I have no bias on the subject for the following story.

I read an article recently about how a christian boy got suspended from school for saying homosexuality is wrong. From what I understand he did not harass anyone or hurt anyone. It was a CLASS DISCUSSION in which he voiced his OPINION.

I just want to know when it became wrong for others to have an opinion. As mentioned earlier, I feel that we are living in an age of heightened tolerance. Its ok to be gay and talk about it, but now those who don't necessarily agree with that lifestyle have to walk on eggshells.

From that I question: Does a student lose their first amendment rights when they walk into a school?
And if so, does that mean that if they do lose such rights in class discussions are they forced to agree or keep quiet? Seems like it defeats the purpose of classroom discussions.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I can't remember exactly what I was doing during the 9/11 attacks. I feel a little guilty for it as I've read the progressing stream of status updates on Facebook and Twitter of people talking about where they were and how they felt because I can't quite remember for myself. At least not as much as I would like to.

I'm from a small town, and I'll be honest with you. I didn't know what the World Trade Center was at the time and I was only vaguely familiar with what the Pentagon was. I was distanced from the devastation. Again, I was IGNORANT about the situation.

I know I was in high school. I was afraid, and I wanted to get home to my loved ones and I was selfishly glad that I was sheltered away from the tragedy. I was lucky enough to not know anybody hurt in those attacks. But I feared that the attacks wouldn't stop there. What if for some reason Atlanta was attacked? I remember freaking out because I thought the future was going to be filled with war. And though it has been since then, the war in my mind was far different than what it is in reality.

As I'm older, I feel more remorse now than I did. After moving to Atlanta, I know people who have truly been affected by the World Trade Center attacks first hand. I can't even imagine the hurt.

It's interesting to see how people respond during this time of remembrance. Everyone in America was affected by this tragedy and everyone has delt with it and experienced it differently.

 My husband is a 6th grade teacher. It was strange listening to him tell me about their reactions. Many of them did not know that these tragedies occurred. When he showed them a video about the coverage of the attacks, some of them laughed as they watched people run for their lives.
I'm curious: Is that their response to the tragedy a form of grieving, or are they really that cold-hearted?

I remember how I loved studying history. I thought it was incredible what the people of the past have endured. When I was young I couldn't imagine what it was like to live during the Great Depression. I thought that studying the Holocaust was like reading a horror novel. Never in my life would I think that I would live to experience great tragedies first hand. Being sheltered, I thought that those sorts of things couldn't really happen, even if they already did.

A lot has happened this past decade, including the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden. I pray that those who have suffered losses during 9/11 are starting to feel some closure for that if they haven't already.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The beginning.

I've always wanted to be politically intelligent. When I hear those around me discussing political manners I have to sit back and be quiet. I rarely have anything to contribute solely because of ignorance. I want to contribute in these conversations and feel the same passion my peers do when they discuss what is going on in my country and what is or is not being done for progression.

However, I do feel that dividing ones beliefs based on whether you are democrat, republican, or a member of the rent is to damn high party,(http://www.rentistoodamnhigh.org/) you lose potential for new solutions by getting wrapped up in what a political party stands for. For those reasons, whether its right or not, I have failed to fully educate myself in politics. Sometimes I like being ignorant. But then again, I've got to grow up at some point and follow and understand the news so I can know what's affecting me right now.

My husband is a republican. My parents are democrats. My beliefs have been shaped by him and them. But I want this blog site to help me become more informed on the matters around me. I'm going to use it to foster my own opinions and hopefully inspire any of my potential readers to do the same.