I thought this was an interesting picture with an interesting point. I've worked Black Friday for 8 years. And by far its the worst experience I've ever had in retail, each and every year. I worked at Best Buy and endured 2 years of the mayhem. I've been yelled and cussed at like you would not believe. Last year I was yelled at, seriously, because I did not know how much Farmville gold equated to in American Currency. I thought he was joking; he was not. It sucks feeling like I"m going to get hit over some piece of paper entitling the early shopper for their piece of crap computer.
This Friday I again worked another Black Friday at a different smaller local retailer. By 8'o clock when our doors opened, I couldn't help but feel like I was entering a Zombie apocalypse. However, the crowds were nowhere near as anarchic as Best Buys.
I didn't think to compare the masses of people fighting and killing each over greed to those in occupy Atlanta. It made me curious to see what this group was up to on Black Friday.
From reading some of the articles, they were pretty tame about it. They mostly tried getting people to support local stores rather than big box retailers like Target and Best Buy.
However, I could not argue against what one Wal-Mart offered for their struggling community in Washington DC a free shopping experience. People could donate things they didn't want so the needy could "go shopping" and get the items for free. I thought that was a really nice twist.
I think that it's quite sad that people are this crazy. People will go to no end to get a deal like the one's on Black Friday. It's pathetic that they think that this is more important. Thanksgiving is about family and being thankful for what you have been blessed with. It's NOT about cussing out store employees because they don't know the answer to your question. I am sorry that so many people have treated you this terribly. Hopefully one day they will see how wrong they are.