He and his son actually considered meeting up with the protestors in Atlanta one weekend, but had heard about how many of them were being arrested and decided against it.
He asked me why I didn't find it necessary to support. I explained that the way it has been handled bothers me; I don't find a group stating they are nonviolent and then demonstrate the opposite. I asked him what he thought as well as the previous reasons I’ve mentioned in prior posts.
He explained how the CEO of Verizon had worked for retired, which was a company he personally got laid off from. His CEO took with his retirement a private jet, tons of stock shares, and condo with a restaurant below at which he could access at his leisure as well as other ridiculous amounts of perks to last him a mega wealthy retirement. My co-worker explained that if the man had given at least 5% back of what he took for his retirement, the thousands of people that worked for Verizon could still have their jobs.
That does shed more light on the situation. It does make me sick. But then again, is it the government’s job to intervene with big corporations and tell them what is legal/isn’t?
I’ve looked at the We are the 99% site and have looked at everyone’s sufferings. One girl posted that she could not attend college because her parents divorced and spent all of their money on legal expenses.
Yeah, that sucks. I hate that. But FAFSA provides plenty of student aid as well as thousands of scholarships. I myself have been able to get my hands on some of that aid. I went to school and my parents are both dirt poor.
But anyways, I guess that’s all I’ve got for the moment. I guess I’m just realizing, that no matter how bad I want to get rid of my debt, no matter how ideal it would be that the government paid for everything I owed, I wouldn’t want the nation paying tax money for my poor decisions.
I can’t justify it.
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